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Pre Base

Pre Base
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Content35 ml

Beautiful skin starts with the basics! For this, use the Pre Base, a hydrating primer that is applied under the foundation for a long-lasting, even result.

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($23,62 inc tax)
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The Pre Base is a transparent moisturizer with extra Vitamin B and UV-B protection. It takes cares of, protects and prepares the skin for the foundation, resulting in an even application and extra durability.

Apply the moisturizer with a brush for a nice even result. Also possible to apply with the fingertips.

Tip: This Pre Base is ideal for the somewhat greasier skin types due to the transparent structure.


  • Ideal basis for the foundation
  • For a long-lasting result
  • Contains UV-B screen and Vitamin B
  • Protects against light and sun
35 ml
  • Transparant
Skin color:
  • All skin tones
  • Liquid
Tones to Undertone:
  • Neutral undertone
Make-up studio
Goede basis voor onder je make-up. Ruikt lekker, smeert makkelijk uit, met handig pompje.
Net zoals alle make-up van Make-up Studio is dit ook een kwaliteits product. Een goede basis onder de foundation is een must. Voor mij geen ander merk dan Make-up Studio.
Geweldig product.
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